Baloise presents its collection in foyers, corridors, meeting rooms and offices, and a concentrated selection in publicly accessible reception rooms at its corporate headquarters. In addition, Baloise opened up the Art Forum Baloise Park to foster young curators, who share their knowledge with the public twice a year.
Art Forum Baloise Park
Aeschengraben 33
4051 Basel
open to the public on weekdays
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Launch year:
Number of artworks:
Status of collection:
Artistic domain:
Paintings, sculptures, photos, drawings.
Baloise Art Prize
Since 1999, Baloise promotes the arts with the Baloise Art Prize. It is awarded annually to two young artists.
The two awards, which include a cash prize of CHF 30,000 each, are presented in the Art Statements sector of the Art Basel by a jury made up of renowned art specialists.
In addition, Baloise buys groups of work by the prizewinners with the object of donating them to two leading European museums, currently the MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt and the MUDAM, Musée d'Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, Luxembourg.
Baloise's commitment for fostering the arts in the form of prize money, purchases of art works, financial support for Art Statements, and museum exhibition for the prizewinners amounts to some CHF 250,000 each year.
Launch year:
International presence: