for the love of art.


What we do

What we do
Cooking Section presentation by Daniel Fernández Pascual & Alon Schwabe at IACCCA's 3nd Symposium, Madrid, 2021

IACCCA focuses on nurturing an environment of friendly exchange through the organisation of a rich and varied programme of activities where members can connect and share their expertise.

iaccca activities
iaccca activities

We organise two annual member meetings with alternating host organisations: a general assembly each spring and a seminar each autumn. These activities include site visits to other corporate collections and a selection of local artistic venues, as well as workshops and conferences on relevant themes.

Furthermore, IACCCA members regularly receive invitations to participate in international talks, roundtables and panel discussions that shed light on the association and the specific issues we tackle.

Want to learn more about our varied events? Take a look below at the activities we have organised in the past.


While most of our activities are exclusively for IACCCA members, we also organise public symposia where high-profile speakers from around the world debate on specific topics and reflect on the future challenges and responsibilities that our society faces.

Our first public symposium was held in 2016 on the occasion of IACCCA's 10th anniversary. It took place at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and focused on collaborations between public, corporate and private collections.

The second edition, held in 2018 at the Deutsche Bank in Berlin, Germany, centred on the role and importance of site-specific commissions and art in public spaces.

Our most recent symposium was originally planned for 2020 in Madrid, Spain, but was postponed to 2021 due to the global sanitary crisis.


Since 2022, Clinics have represented a dynamic approach to addressing key topics and cases within corporate collections, fostering collaborative input from its members. Our initiative thrives on open communication among IACCCA members, ensuring a secure environment for sharing and developing ideas.

At Clinics, we prioritise evidence-based discussions, utilising data from comprehensive surveys to guide our conversations. This approach allows us to explore relevant issues with precision and insight. By engaging with diverse perspectives, Clinics aims to create a robust dialogue that enhances understanding and drives innovation.

We encourage all members to contribute their expertise and insights, helping shape the conversations that matter most to our community.

Selected Clinic themes:
Art collections in the framework of climate crisis (by PCAI) | Development of the DZ Art Found (DZ Bank)  | Valuation & Insurance: 2 different approaches (EIB & Pictet) | Expanding reach, impact and visibility (Krause Group) | Photography editions (Arendt) | Accessibility of the collection through (online) communication (Julius Baer & NBB) | Staff Engagement (Novartis Collection, NBB, EIB, Helvetia) | Impact Indicators (Sorigué Foundation & ING) |  Challenges of Collecting New Media Art (PCAI & Fidelity)


With a view to developing and increasing our expertise on the responsibilities of corporate collecting and related new practices, we conduct regular surveys among our members. The outcomes of these surveys are made available on our private platform and during our Clinics, building on the shared experience of our members.

Our last surveys were the following:

  • Staff Engagement - 2024
  • Impact Indicators - 2024
  • Challenges of Collecting New Media Art - 2024
  • Relocation of Site-specific Artworks - 2024
  • Collections in corporate context - 2023
  • The Role of Art in Social Inclusion & Diversity - 2020
  • The Impact of Covid-19 on Corporate Collections - 2020
  • Art at Work & Employee Engagement – 2019

In order to deepen our knowledge on corporate collections and their specific challenges, we work in task groups. IACCCA has seven such groups, each dedicated to conducting advanced research on one of the following topics:

  • Art Commissions
  • Corporate Collections & Museums
  • Conservation & Restoration
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Employee Engagement, Education & Mediation
  • Legal Issues & Code of Conduct
  • New Technologies, Media & Digital Art

Under the guidance of a team leader and in small working groups, IACCCA members are invited to share their knowledge and best practices. The results of these task group sessions are distributed among members during our annual meetings and through our private virtual platform.


The IACCCA Members Newsletter is published quarterly and offers valuable insights into the world of corporate collecting. Each issue features recurring sections on exhibitions, commissions, publications, task groups, and notable developments in the cultural field. Members can also enjoy exclusive interviews with fellow members, providing a unique perspective on their work and experiences.

Past activities
  • Ordinary General Assembly
    hosted by Deutsche Bank (Frankfurt)

  • Collection & Institution Visits
    Deutsche Bank Art Collection, UBS Art Collection, Deutsche Börse AG - The Cube, DZ BANK Kunststiftung, European Central Bank Art Collection, Deutsche Bundesbank Regional Office in Hesse, Städel Museum, Schirn Kunsthalle (Frankfurt)

  • Clinics
    Staff Engagement (by Novartis Collection, NBB, EIB, Helvetia)
    Impact Indicators (by Sorigué Foundation & ING)
    Challenges of Collecting New Media Art (by PCAI & Fidelity)
    Relocation of Site-specific Artworks (by Vranken-Pommery, Swiss Re, Proximus)

  • Surveys
    Staff Engagement
    Impact Indicators
    Challenges of Collecting New Media Art
    Relocation of Site-specific Artworks
  • Ordinary General Assembly
    hosted by EVN (Vienna)

  • Autumn Meeting
    hosted by Polygreen Culture & Art Initiative - PCAI (Athens)

  • Survey
    Collections in corporate context 2023

  • Collection & Institution Visits
    Vienna Insurance Group Art Collection, Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Belvedere 21, Erste Campus, EVN Collection, Freud Museum, CMS Art Collection, Verbund Art Collection, Heidi Horten Collection, STRABAG Artcollection, Bank Austria Kunstforum, Nuclear Power Plant Zwentendorf (Vianna)
    Ellinikon Experience Park, Alpha Bank Collection, Saarinen Airport Architectural tour, Deste Collection, Zepos & Giannopoulos Art Collection, PCAI Pavillion π, Amalia Hotel Art Collection, Archaeological Museum, EMST museum, Bank of Greece exhibition, National Gallery, Acropolis Museum, Onassis Foundation (Athens & Delphi)

  • Clinics
    Art collections in the framework of climate crisis (by PCAI)
    Photography editions (by Arendt)
    The Question of Series (by Julius Baer & Fidelity)
    This artwork is disturbing. How to deal with negative reactions to art. (by Deutsche Bank Collection)
    Accounting (by Swiss Re)

  • Keynote
    Reframing our work in the context of the climate and environmental crisis by Iphigenia Taxopoulou (Athens)

  • Ordinary General Assembly
    hosted by Pictet Group (Zurich)

  • Autumn Meeting
    hosted by European Investement Bank & Arendt (Luxembourg)

  • Collection & Institution Visits
    Collection Pictet, Julius Baer Art Collection, Swiss Re Art Collection, Kunsthalle Zurich (Zurich)
    European Investement Bank Art Collection, MUDAM, Casino de Luxembourg, Arendt Art Collection, Beval (Luxembourg)

  • Clinics
    Accessibility of the collection through (online) communication (by Julius Baer & NBB)
    Development of the DZ Bank Art Foundation (by DZ Bank Art Foundation)
    Valuation & insurance: 2 different approaches (by EIB & Pictet)
    Expanding reach, impact and visibility: Navigating Increased Exposure of a Private Collection (by Krause)

More activities
  • Virtual Ordinary General Assembly

  • Symposium
    Art in the Time of Ecological Disruption, CaixaForum (Madrid)?
    Speakers: Heidi Ballet, Lucy Wood, Markus Reymann, Cooking Sections, T.J. Demos / Moderator: Alice Sharp

  • Publication
    Art in the Time of Ecological Disruption

  • Collection & Institution Visits
    LaCaixa Forum, Colección INELCOM, Fundació Sorigué, Prado (Madrid & Lleida)

  • Webinar
    Social Inclusion and Diversity & the Related Role of Art Collecting

  • Survey
    Social Inclusion and Diversity  

  • Virtual Ordinary General Assembly

  • Surveys
    The Role of Art in Social Inclusion & Diversity
    The Impact of Covid-19 on Corporate Collections

  • Task Group Meeting
    Webinar to share the results of our survey Covid-19 & Digital Solutions in the Face of Covid-19, presented by the New Technologies Task Group

  • Ordinary General Assembly
    hosted by National Bank of Belgium, Brussels

  • Task Group Meeting
    Art at Work & Employee Engagement hosted by Polyeco, Piraeus

  • Survey
    Art at Work & Employee Engagement

  • Collections  & Institutions Visits
    Polyeco Contemporary Art Initiative, Alpha Bank, D. Daskalopoulos Collection, Rodeo art space, The Intermission gallery, Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre, National Greek Opera, National Greek Library, Benaki Museum, Deste Foundation, George Economou Collection, Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation, Museum of Cycladic Art (Athens)
    Belfius Collection, Lhoist Collection, Vanhaerents Art Collection, Kanal-Centre Pompidou, Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, WIELS (Brussels)

  • Art Talk
    Symposium on Corporate Art Collection organised by the National Bank of Belgium (Brussels)
    Speakers: Delphine Munro from EIB, Claudia Schicktanz from Deutsche Bank, Stefaan De Clerck from Proximus, Sanne Ten Brink from ING, & Loa Haagen Pictet from Pictet Bank
  • Symposium
    Art Commissions and Art in Public Spaces. Deutsche Bank (Berlin)

  • Ordinary General Assembly
    Hosted by Helvetia (Basel)

  • Task Group Meetings
    Managing a Collection as an Asset. Helvetia (Basel)
    Logistics & Conservation. Helvetia (Basel)

  • Collection & Institution Visits
    Deutsche Bank,  Boros Collection & Hoffmann Collection (Berlin)
    Helvetia Art Collection, La Roche Collection, Novartis Art Collection, Fondation Beyeler, Kunstmuseum Basel, Museum Tinguely and Schaulager (Basel)

  • Art Talk
    Unfold Art Xchange, art talks in Dubai (Loa Haagen Pictet from Pictet Bank and Nimfa Bisbe from Fundación "la Caixa")
  • Ordinary General Assembly
    hosted by Fidelity International (London)

  • Task Group Meetings
    Art Commissioning. Somerset House (London)
    Digitalisation. Somerset House (London)
    Art Commissioning. HSBC (Paris)
    Logistics & Conservation. HSBC (Paris)
    Protocols & Art Contracts. HSBC (Paris)

  • Collections & Institutions Visits
    Deutsche Bank Collection, UBS Collection, Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation, Darren Almond’ Studio, Photo London (London)
    Collection Société Générale, Collection Neuflize OBC, HSBC Collection, Prix pour la Photographie (Paris)

  • Art Talk
    Photo London Art Talk on corporate collections (Loa Haagen Pictet from Pictet Bank and Anne-Marie Beckmann from Deutsche Börse)
  • Symposium
    Corporate Collections and Museums. Synergies and new Perspectives on Collaboration. Stedelijk Museum (Amsterdam)

  • Ordinary General Assembly
    hosted by Arendt & Art (Luxembourg)

  • Task Group Meetings
    Selling works of the collection / De-accession. Arendt & Medernach (Luxembourg)
    Annual Reports. Arendt & Medernach (Luxembourg)
    Networking. Arendt & Medernach (Luxembourg)

  • Collection & Institutions Visits
    Arendt, European Investment Bank Collection, Deutsche Bank Collection, MUDAM, Casino Forum d’Art Contemporain, Centre Pompidou-Metz

  • Art Talks
    Corporate Collections, Artnet discussion during ArtBase (Basel)
    Presentation during the working group meeting for Corporate Collecting (ACC) of the Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft im BDI e.V (Hamburg)
    Presentation to art.up, Moscow Museum of Modern Art (Moscow)

  • Ordinary & Extraordinary General Assembly
    hosted by Statoil (Oslo)

  • Ordinary General Assembly
    hosted by Lhoist Group Collection (Limelette)

  • Task Group Meetings
    Art Collection in the Corporate Responsibility Department, Lhoist (Brussels)
    Code of Ethics, Lhoist (Brussels)

  • Collections Visits
    Lhoist, Proximus Art Collection, ING Belgium Collection,

  • Art Talks
    Presentation to the Art Dealers Association of America (ADAA) during ArtBasel (Basel)
    Presentation to the University of Geneva alumni

  • Ordinary General Assembly
    hosted by Pictet & Cie SA (Geneva)

  • Workshops
    Corporate Social Responsibility, Pictet & Cie SA (Geneva)
    Photography Conservation, Fundación Mapfre and Reina Sofia (Madrid)

  • Collection Visits
    Bergé & Cia, CaixaForum, Banco Santander, Fundación Mapfe (Madrid)

  • Art Talk
    Le dessin dans les collections d'entreprise, Drawing Now (Paris)
  • Ordinary General Assembly
    hosted by SALT (Istanbul)

  • Workshop
    Photography Conservation, Rabobank (Amsterdam)

  • Collection Visits
    Borusan, Barut Collection, Elgiz Contemporary Art Museum, Saki Sabamci Museum (Istanbul)
    Deutsche Bank, DZ BANK AG, Deutsche Börse (Frankfurt)

  • Art Talk
    Coleccionismo de arte Contemporaneo y Merceazgo, Grandes Colecciones Europeas, Santander University
  • Ordinary General Assembly
    hosted by Erste Foundation (Vienna)

  • Collections Visits
    EVN, Generali Foundation, Verbund (Vienna)
    Dexia (Brussels)
    CaixaForum, Bergé & Cia, Fundacion Banco Santander, Fundación ICO (Madrid)

  • Art Talks
    Together with National Corporate Organizations, Case Study, ARCO (Madrid)
    How to build a good Corporate Collection, Institut Français (Bratislava)

  • Collections Visits
    Statoil, Simmons and Simmons (London)
    Nationale Suisse (Basel)
    CaixaForum (Barcelona)
    Unicredit (Bologna)
    Rabo Real Estate (Rotterdam)

  • Art Talks
    Collecting Practices, FOAM (Amsterdam)
    Staff Engagement, Round Table, Arte Fiera (Bologna)

  • Workshops
    Education Programs and Mediation, Arte Fiera (Bologna)
    Collection, documentation and conservation of Video Art, La Caixa Banking Foundation (Barcelona)
  • Collection Visits
    Neuflize Vie (Paris)
    Lhoist, Belgacom (Limelette & Brussels)
    Banco Espirito Santo, EOP, Caixa General de Depositos (Lisbon)

  • Art Talks
    Art Brussels
    Together with European Corporate Collections, Round table, Arte Fiera (Bologna)

  • Workshops
    PR-Marketing Proximus (Brussels)
    Legal Issues Lhoist (Paris)
  • Collection Visit
    DZ BANK AG (Berlin)
  • Collection Visit
    Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain (Paris)
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