In 2016 IACCCA celebrated its tenth anniversary as a non-profit association of professional corporate curators. As an active network of corporate curators, IACCCA wished to mark its first decade of existence sharing best practices by holding an international symposium on synergies and new perspectives regarding the collaboration between public, corporate and private collections, and between public and private museums.
The aim of the symposium was to discuss developments and challenges in the collaboration between art collections in the public and private sectors. At a time when public–private partnerships appear to be increasingly frequent and necessary for public organisations, we wished to encourage debate on the meaning and scope of artistic patronage by corporate collections and to discuss the special, at times competitive, relationship they enjoy with public museums.
Bringing together art world professionals, from museum directors, curators and corporate executive officers to art managers, scholars and artists, the symposium presented an opportunity to heighten awareness of public and corporate engagement with art and cultural and social programmes, and at the same time provided an occasion to develop new ways of thinking and improving collaboration between corporate and public art collections.
Media partner of the symposium
The symposium is part of Amsterdam Art Weekend 2016